The idea of a beach day is nice, but once you’re there, it can quickly turn into a disaster. If you want to have a fun-filled beach day, you need to do a fair bit of planning. It’s important that you have the right essentials, lest you want to suffer from awful sunburns, grain-peppered sandwiches, and water-soaked gadgets (yikes!).
To avoid common beach-related mishaps, follow this handy guide.
Choose the best time to go.
Ideally, your beach trip should be on a day where the sun is high but the weather is not unbearably humid. In Thailand, even though it’s a tropical country, the best time to go is between December to February when skies are clear and the sun won’t be scorching.
Stay close to the lifeguard.
If you’re chilling on the beach with your family, it’s best to stay in close proximity with the lifeguard so they can keep a close eye on the children. Of course, the beach you end up going to must also have a lifeguard on duty. And when they’re around, don’t hesitate to approach them and ask them about water conditions or weather for the day. They might even give you tips on how to make your stay at the beach worthwhile.
Take note of flags and signs.
When you’re on the beach, you should also watch out for any signages or flags that help keep you out of danger. If you’re not familiar with them, here are what they typically mean:
Green = The ocean is clear and safe for swimmers.
Yellow = Practice caution, especially if you’re surfing
Red = The ocean is delivering stronger than usual currents, meaning it’s dangerous to swim
Blue/Purple = This is not as common as the other colors, but this flag typically implies that there’s dangerous marine life roaming around, like jellyfish.
Bring sun protection.
If you’re planning on chilling on the beach all day, it’s important to apply sun protection to avoid sunburns and incurring other skin issues. Don’t go for anything lower than 30 SPF. If you have sensitive skin, don’t opt for sunscreens with lower than 50 SPF. If you’re going to engage in water activities, make sure that the sun protection you’re using is water-resistant. You also have to make it a point to reapply every couple of hours.
Pro-tip: chill your sunscreen in the refrigerator for a few hours before application, so you will feel extra refreshed. It also makes slathering across your body much more bearable.
Stay hydrated.
When you’re under the sun for an extended period of time, you have to keep your body hydrated. It’s easy to forget doing so when you’re near a body of water, but when you’re in and out of the ocean or sea, your body is also losing essential salts and water. Make it a point to drink plenty of fluids, including sports beverages to restore your body’s salt and electrolytes.
Wrapping up
By following the tips above, you can make ensure that you have the time of your life at the beach. If you’re looking for a beach resort in Khao Lak that can give you a unique and memorable experience, book a stay with us.